returns the current buffer object. Usually this is the
buffer that current-window is displaying. This value may be changed
with setf
, and the setf
method invokes Set Buffer Hook before the
change occurs with the new value. After the change occurs, the method invokes
After Set Buffer Hook with the old value.
This function returns the buffer-point
of the current buffer.
This is such a common idiom in commands that it is defined despite
its trivial implementation.
activate-region ¶current-mark
returns the top of the current buffer’s mark stack. There
always is at least one mark at the beginning of the buffer’s region, and all
marks returned are right-inserting.
pops the current buffer’s mark stack, returning the mark.
If the stack becomes empty, this pushes a new mark on the stack pointing to the
buffer’s start. This always deactivates the current region (see section
pushes mark into the current buffer’s mark stack,
ensuring that the mark is right-inserting. If mark does not point into the
current buffer, this signals an error. Optionally, the current region is made
active, but this never deactivates the current region (see section
active-regions). Mark is returned.
This variable holds a list of all the buffer objects made with make-buffer
This variable holds a string-table
(page string-tables) of all the
names of the buffers in buffer-list. The values of the entries are the
corresponding buffer objects.
This is a list of buffer objects ordered from those most recently selected to those selected farthest in the past. When someone makes a buffer, an element of Make Buffer Hook adds this buffer to the end of this list. When someone deletes a buffer, an element of Delete Buffer Hook removes the buffer from this list. Each buffer occurs in this list exactly once, but it never contains the echo-area-buffer.
This switches to buffer in the current-window
This returns the first buffer from buffer-history that is not the
. If none can be found, then this returns nil.